PR and News
MWA Interview: Experts take stock of the turbulence in the market
Financial gurus associated with the University of Miami Patti and Allan Herbert Business School examine the impact of the army of amateur traders whose unconventional practices are rocking the stock market and roiling financial professionals.
Please read the full release HERE for additional details.
MWA is pleased to announce the addition of Paul A. Borochin, CFA, to our team, as a Financial Advisor.
At Maredin, Mr. Borochin will work closely with Marcelo Zinn, President of Maredin Wealth Advisors, to strengthen relationships with clients by providing long-term support and planning that is essential to Maredin’s approach. Mr. Borochin will also leverage his extensive knowledge regarding options and hedging strategies to further strengthen opportunities for new and existing clients.
Please read the full release HERE for additional details.
Interview: Value Investor Confidential with Marcelo Zinn of Maredin Wealth Advisors
Marcelo Zinn explains how he keeps his edge mentally and physically as it relates to investing,
the six phases of his investment process, how he was influenced by Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, and why he sees upside in Ally Financial, Mannkind, and Sanofi.
Please read the full release HERE for additional details.